Soal PTS UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA Semester 1 dan 2

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Soal PTS UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA Semester 1 dan 2
 - Berikut ini saya bagikan latihan soal Ulangan Tengah Semester (UTS) atau yang juga dikenal sebagai Penilaian Tengah Semester (TPS) khusus mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas X (Sepuluh) Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA)


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris                           Hari/Tanggal : ……………………
Kelas : X (Sepuluh) Waktu : …………………….

Choose a, b, c or d for the correct answer!

Part I

1. Let . . . . introduce myself, I am Alfa. I'm from Pekanbaru.
a. me
b. I
c. my
d. mine

2. Complete the following dialogue
Sarah : . . . . , I'm your new friend. My name is Sarah. . . . . . . . ?
Tessy : Hi Sarah, how do you do, pleased to meet you.
a. Hi - how are you
b. Hi - nice to meet you
c. Hi - how do you do
d. Hi - what's your name

3. Complete the following dialogue
Arfan: Good morning everybody, I would like to . . . . . . . .
My name is Arfan, I'm 16 years old. I study at SMA Patriot, and I live on Jl. Cendrawarsih no 75.
a. tell you some information
b. introduce my friend
c. introduce myself
d. meet a new friend

4.  . . . . home address is P Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney.
a. my
b. I
c. mine
d. me

5. Complete the following dialogue
Judge: . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?
Me: Of course. I'm Nathan, I'm 17 years old. I'm a skateboarder, I've been skating since I was ten.
a. What's your name
b. How are you
c. Can you tell me about yourself
d. Are you a skateboarder

6. This is my friend, . . . . name is Alita. . . . . is from Philippine, We can call . . . . Lita.
a. she -  her - her
b. her - she - her
c. her - her - she
d. she - she – her

7. You and . . . . brother can join the party.
a. you're
b. you
c. your
d. yours

8. They are the students of SMK Pertiwi, . . . . . school is located on Jl. Pertiwi no 107.
a. Them
b. Theirs
c. They're
d. Their

9. Excuse me, you can't sit here, this is my desk, and that desk on the corner is . . . . . you can sit on that desk.
a. yours
b. your
c. you
d. you're

10. Fajar has a motorcycle. He usually parks . . . . motorcycle near Mesjid.
a. he
b. him
c. his
d. he's

11.  We are from Indonesia. One of traditional music of . . . . country is Angklung.
a. our
b. us
c. ours
c. we

12. Complete the following dialogue
Randy: I heard you won 10 K marathon last week, . . . . . . . you are great.
Sebastian: Thank you man.
a. how did you do that
b. congratulations
c. oh my god
d. you look so gorgeous

13. Complete the following dialogue
Vika: What is that?
Tony: This is my artwork. This is the picture of my village.
Vika: That's beautiful, well done man!
Tony: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
a. I know
b. No problem
c. Thanks for your appreciation
d. I need your appreciation

14. Complete the following dialogue
Rio: Everybody is talking about you.
Shani: Why?
Rio: Beacause of your spectacular performance on students' got talent yesterday.
Shani: Oh well, maybe I was just lucky.
Rio: Come on!  . . . . . . . . . . . . . Everyone admires you.
Shani: I'm little bit shy actually, but thank you. Thanks for being supportive.
a. be happy
b. you are not lucky
c. you did incredible job
d. be a champion

15. Complete the following dialogue
Peter: Why do you look uncomfortable?
Anita: No, I'm just, I'm not confident to be here among these charming people.
Peter: Don't feel that way, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with that dress.
Anita: Really?
Peter: Of course, look at you, you're dazzling.
Thank you for lifting me up.
a. you look bizarre
b. you look as usual
c. you look ordinary
d. you look beautiful

16. Complete the following dialogue
Bob: . . . . . . . . . . . with that sun glasses.
Patrick: But it doesn't belong to me.
Bob: It's okay, it doesn't change the way I think about you.
Patrick: You're a true friend.
a. Do you have
b. You look so cool
c. Do you belong
d. You look happy

17. Complete the following dialogue
Your friend: What are you going to do this weekend?
You: I already have plan for this weekend.
I and my family . . . . . . go to Disney land this weekend.
a. is going to
b. am going to
c. are going to
d. were going to

18. "Ibuku akan memasak sup ayam malam ini."
Translate to English!
a. My mom will cook chicken soup tonight
b. My mom won't cook chicken soup tonight
c. My mom are going to cook chicken soup tonight
d. My mom is going to be chicken soup tonight

19. "I am not going to bring laptop to school tomorrow."
Translate to Bahasa Indonesia!
a. Aku akan membawa laptop ke sekolah besok
b. Aku akan meminjam laptop sekolah besok
c. Aku tidak akan membawa laptop ke sekolah besok
d. Aku tidak akan meminjam laptop sekolah besok

20. "Apakah kamu akan menerima beasiswa?"
Translate to English!
a. Do you get a scholarship?
b. Are you going to get a scholarship?
c. Am I going to get a scholarship?
d. Won't you get a scholarship?

Part II

Read the following dialogue and then answer the questions!

One day, in a city, in a school, in a classroom

Teacher: Attention please. We have a new friend today.
She has just moved to our town from Bali. She will introduce herself and tell you all about herself, so please come in and say hello to her.

Rena: Thank you ma'm. Hello everyone, thanks for having me today. I would like to introduce myself.
My name is Rena Sofia, you can call me Rena. I am from Bali but I moved here to this city two weeks ago so I think I will be your neighbor and a new friend as well. It's nice to meet you.

Students: Hello Rena, it's nice to meet you too.
Teacher: Welcome to our school Rena, we hope you enjoy studying here.
Rena: Thank you, I hope so.
Teacher: Is it enough for the introduction? Or do you want to ask something to Rena I'll give you few minutes.
Class leader: I have something to ask ma'm. If it's ok . . .
Teacher: Yes please.
Class leader: Hi Rena I'm Alfa. I'm the class leader, welcome to our class. Can you tell us about your hobby?
Rena: Well, thank you. I like dancing, a modern dance like hip hop dance or K-pop dance because I think dancing is way to have an exercise and fun at the same time. Dancing makes me happy and fit.
Alfa: That's a good hobby. We have dance club here in our school. You can join them.
Rena: Thank you, I'll think about it.
Teacher: Alright guys, I think it's enough for the introduction. You can introduce each one of you to Rena at the break time. Now let's get started to the materials.
Rena you can have a seat over there.
Rena: Thank you Mrs. Rita.

1. Who is Alfa on the dialogue above?
2. How long has Rena been in the new city?
3. Why does Rena like dancing?
4. When can the other students introduce their selves to Rena?
5. Who is the teacher's name on the dialogue above?

Read the following card and then answer the questions below!

6. Who writes the letter?
7. Why does the writer send the card to Thomas?
8. What does the writer say as his appreciation to Thomas?
9. What are Thomas' achievements?
10. Is Jerry a good friend or a bad friend? How do you know?



Part I

1. a. me
2. c. Hi - how do you do
3. c. introduce myself
4. a. my
5. c. Can you tell me about yourself
6. b. her - she - her
7. c. your
8. d. Their
9. a. yours
10. c. his
11. a. our
12. b. congratulations
13. c. Thanks for your appreciation
14. c. you did incredible job
15. d. you look beautiful
16. b. You look so cool
17. c. are going to
18. a. My mom will cook chicken soup tonight
19. c. Aku tidak akan membawa laptop ke sekolah besok
20. b. Are you going to get a scholarship?

Part II

1. The class leader.
2. Two weeks.
3. Because dancing makes her have an exercise and fun at the same time.
4. At the break time.
5. Mrs. Rita.
6. Jerry
7. Because he wants to congratulate Thomas on Thomas's success.
8. "Congratulations on your success."
9. Graduating from high school with the best score.
10. A good friend.
Jerry appreciates his friend's achievement it shows that Jerry is a good friend.


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris                           Hari/Tanggal : ……………………
Kelas : X (Sepuluh) Waktu : …………………….

A. Berilah tanda silang (x) didepan huruf a,b atau c didepan jawaban yang benar !


1. Thank you so much for helping me. I relaly... it

a. accept

b. agree

c. appreciate

d. deserve

e. love

Jawaban:  c

Pembahasan: kata yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik tersebut adalah appreciate, yang artinya menghargai


2. A thousand thanks for all you hard work. I shall never.. it.

a. forego

b. forget

c. foretell

d. forbid

e. forgive

Jawaban: b

Pembahasan: kata yang paling tpeat untuk mengisi titik-titik tersebut adalah forget, yang artinya melupakan


Artikel lainnya: Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester 1 kurikulum 2013 Beserta Jawabannya ~ Pilihan Ganda


3. Thank you for all you’ve done from the...of my heart

a. base

b. foundation

c. end

d. bottom

e. inside

Jawaban: d


4. She.. that TV shows five times.

a. had

b. has

c. has seen

d. saw

e. is

Jawaban: c

Pembahasan: present perfect tense


5. .... there ever been a war in the United States?

a. has

b. have

c. had

d. is


e. are

Jawaban: a

Pembahasan: present perfect tense


6.... you watched the movie yet?

a. are

b. have

c. has

d. can

e. do

Jawaban: b

Pembahasan: present perfect tense


7. Rani...her homework yet

a. finish

b. has not finished

d. finished

e. was finished

Jawaban: c

Pembahasan: present perfect tense


8. I don’t like going out...night

a. in

b. on 

c. at

d. with

e. or

Jawaban: c

Pembahasan:preposisition yang tepat untuk digunakan sebelum kata night adalah at


9. I’ll see you..Friday

a. at

b. in

c. or

d. on

e. width

Jawaban: d

Pembahasan: preposition yang tepat untuk diguakan sebleum kata Friday adalah on


10. Columbus made his first voyage from Europe to America.... 1942

a. at

b. in

c. on

d. with

e. or

Jawaban: b

Pembahasan:  preposition yang tepat untuk digunakan sebelum 1942 adalah in.


11. Terry    : “Andy, I think you’re the best one.”

Andy    : “....”

a. of course

b. nevermind

c. i’m sorry

d. Thank you

e. you’re kidding me

Jawaban: d

Pembahasan:  Andy mengucapkan terima kasih karena Terry telah memujinya.


12. Doctors...many deadly diseases.

a. have cured

b. cure

c. cured

d. are cure

e. has cured

Jawaban: a

Pembahasan: present perfect tense


13. Will you be here.... the weekend?

a. in

b. or

c. and

d. or

e. at

Jawaban: e

Pembahasan: preposition yang tepat untuk digunakan sebelum kata-kata the weekend adalah at


14. Jean : “ I won a quiz and got new bicyle.”

Erni : “.....”

a. of course

b. congratulations

c. don’t mention it

d. thank you

e. you’re welcome

Jawaban: b

Pembahasan: Eva mengucapkan selamat kepada Sandra yang telah memenangkan kuis


15. The rain... since last morning

a. stop

b. hasn’t stopped

c. is stop

d. stopped

e. will stop

Jawaban: b

Pembahasan: present perfect tense


16. My English...really... since I moved to Australia

a. had/imrove

b. has/improved

c. is/improving

d. are/improved

e. will/improve

Jawaban: b

Pembahasan: Present perfect tense


17. Ami: “May I see your dress?”

Icha    : “Of course, here it is.”

Ami : “What a nice dress.”

Icha : “ .... “

a. thanks

b. I’m sorry

c. congratulations

d. not at all

e. nevermind

Jawaban: a

Pembahasan: Icha mengucapkan terima kasih karena Ami memuji gaunnya.


18. Ina    : “Happy Birthday, Susi.”

Susi : “Thanks.”

Ina : “It’s a gift for you.”

Susi :...

a. of course

b. congratulations

c. nevermind

d. wow, how nice it is

e. ok

Jawaban: d


19. Do you work...the evening?

a. in

b. at

c. on

d. or

e. with

Jawaban: a


20. Have you ever...him?

a. been met

b. met

c. meet

d. meeting

e. been meeting

Jawaban: b

Pembahasan: Present perfect tense


21. Mr. And Mrs. Anandra... that house in 1987

a. has bought

b. have bought

c. bought

d. buy

e. are buying

Jawaban: b

Pembahasan: Present perfect tense


22. I ...any parties since I lived in this town

a. attend

b. attended

c. has attended

d. have attended

e. am attending

Jawaban: d

Pembahasan: Present perfect tense


23. Anna... (not see) the movie “Inception” in the cinema yet.

a. is not seeing

b. doesn’t see

c. didn’t see

d. have seen

e. hasn’t seen

Jawaban: e

Pembahasan: Present perfect tense


24. My birthday party will be celebrated .... Sunday .. 07.30 p.m.

a. in – at

b. on – at

c. in – on 

d. on – in

e. at – on

Jawaban: b


25. They have visitid their grandmother....

a. several times

b. today

c. last week

d. yesterday

e. two days ago

Jawaban: a

Pembahasan: Present perfect tense


26.  This is an expression of surprising....

a. thank you

b. I don’t believe that

c. I’m fine, thank you

d. I’d love you

e. I’m sorry to hear that

Jawaban: b


27. I’m tired. I’m (go) to bed now.

a. gone

b. goes

c. go

d. going

e. go on

Jawaban: d

Pembahasa: present continous tense


28. Lisa is (stand) between Rina and Anne

a. stand up

b. stands

c. sitting

d. standing

e. sit down

Jawaban: d

Pembahasan: Present continous tense


29. Icha    : Do you know, my motorcycle has gone last night

Lusy : ....., tell me that’s not true.

a. that’s allright

b. Oh no

c. Don’t mention it

d. Thank you

e. Congratulations

Jawaban: c

Pembahasan: Reno menerima undangan dari Yuni untuk makan malam bersama saudara Dimas pada hari Sabtu.


30. The population of the world....very fast.

a. is rising

b. rising

c. rise

d. being rise

e. been rise

Jawaban: a

Pembahasan: present contoinous tense


31. Yumi    : “I’d like to invite you to have a dinner on Saturday night.”

Reno : “.....”

Yumi : “Ok, I’ll wait for you.”

a. that’s impossible

b. sorry, I can’t

c. Thank you. I;d love to

d. Congratulations

e. I’m sorry to hear that

Jawaban: b

Pembahasan: Lusy tidak percaya bahwa sepeda motor Edwin hilang


32. You’re (work) hard today

a. is work

b. be working

c. working

d. worked

e. was work

Jawaban: c

Pembahasan: present continous tense


33. We can go out now. It...(not rain) any more.

a. was rain

b. raining

c. will be rain

d. isn’t raining

e. wasn’t rain

Jawaban: d

Pembahasan: present continous tense


34. This is an expression of disbelief...

a. OK, see you then

b. not at all

c. thanks for coming

d. tell me that’s not true

e. don’t forget

Jawaban: d


35. Is Suzan (work) this week?

a. worked

b. working

c. been worked

d. works

e. will work

Jawaban: b

Pembahasan: present continous tense


Look at the picture! 

Questions no. 36 to 41 based on the picture above!


36. Gina is standing....Rico

a. opposite

b. behind

c. in front of

d. beside

e. outside

Jawaban: c

Pembahasan: Gina berdiri di depan Rico


37. Standy is sitting....John and Ben.

a. left

b. behind

c. beside

d. between

e. under

Jawaban: d

Pembahasan: Sandy duduk di antara John dan Ben


38. Adam is standing...Ben

a. behind

b. in front of

c. under

d. beside

e. between

Jawaban: b

Pembahasan: Adam berdiri di depan Ben


39. Sandy is sitting....Ben

a. behind

b. left

c. beside

d. between

e. in front of

Jawaban: c

Pembahasan: Sandy duduk disamping Ben


40. John is sitting...Sandy.

a. under

b. next to

c. outside

d. between

e. behind

Jawaban: b

Pembahasan: John duduk disamping Sandy


41. Gina is standing....John

a. next to

b. behind

c. in front of

d. beside

e. between

Jawaban: c

Pembahasan: Gina berdiri di depan John


42. She (drive) to work

a. is driving

b. is driven

c. driven

d. will driving

e. is drives

Jawaban: a

Pembahasan: Present continous tense


43. Andi : “I’d like to invite you and our freinds to come to my father’s villa.”

Rony: “....”

Andi : “Ok, don’t forget.”

a. thanks

b. I’m sorry

c. congratulation

d. Thanks, I’d love to

e. nevermind

Jawaban: d

Pembahasan Ronny menerima undangan untuk datang ke penginapan milik ayahnya Andi


44. Ina : “Did you see my wallet? I lost my wallet since last morning’

Susi : “....”

a. that’s good idea

b. Oh, really? I’m sorry to hear that

c. nevermind

d. wow, how nice it is

e. OK

Jawaban: b


45. Jack : Are you free on Sunday morning?

Tom : ...., I have a plan

Jack : It’s ok

a. I’m awfully sorry

b. That’s good idea

c. Tell me that’s not true

d. Ok, see you there

e. I’ll come

Jawaban: a

Pembahasan: Tom sudah memiliki rencana untuk hari Minggu pagi.


46. Michelle .... begin medical school next year

a. is going to

b. go to

c. will go to

d. going to

e. is gone

Jawaban: a

Pembahasan: simple future tense


47. “Would you like to come over for dinner next Saturday?”

What does the sentence tell about?

a. Announcement

b. advertisement

c. invitation

d. gratitude

e. apologize

Jawaban: c

Pembahasan : kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat undangan


48. Barbara works for a company .... makes washing machines.

a. who

b. will

c. if

d. that

e. and

Jawaban: d

Pembahasan: relative clause yang tepat untuk kalimat tsebut adalah that


49. The book is about a girl .... won the race

a. which

b. and

c. who

d. that

e. if

Jawaban: c

Pembahasan: relative clause yang tepat untuk kalimat tersebut adalah who


50. Anti .... drive all the way to Jogjakarta

a. are go

b. is going to

c. go

d. are going to

e. will be

Jawaban: b

Pembahasan: simple future tense


51. “Attention, please! The train will arrive about 5 minutes....”

a. announcement

b. advertisement

c. invitation

d. gratitude

e. apologize

Jawaban: a

Pembahasan: kalimat tersebut adalah sebuah pengumuman


52. I don’t like people ..... never come on time.

a. when

b. where

c. that

d. who

e. which

Jawaban: d

Pembahasan: relative clause yang tepat untuk kalimat tersebut adalah who


53. The machine .... broke down has now been repaired.

a. that

b. whom

c. where

d. when

e. who

Jawaban: a

Pembahasan: relative clause yang tepat untuk kalimat tersebut adalah that


54. Rani : “I’m so tired. I’m about to fall asleep.”

Nian : “I .... you some coffe.”

a. want

b. brought

c. will get

d. am

e. wants

Jawaban: c


55. A dictionary is a book .... gives you the meaning of words

a. when

b. where

c. if

d. that

e. who

Jawaban: d

Pembahasan: relative clause yang tepat untuk kalimat tersebut adalah that


56. I promise you that I .... (not tell) anyone about your secret.

a. will telling

b. am not tell

c. won’t tell

d. who tell

e. tells

Jawaban: c


57. Who ... make John’s birthday cake?

a. are go

b. is going to

c. that

d. want

e. get to

Jawaban: b

Pembahasan: simple future tense


58. When you ... tonight, we will go out for dinner.

a. will arrive

b. arrived

c. arrive

d. would arrive

e. had arrived

Jawaban: c


59. Rara : Ruri, are you free on Monday night?

Ruri : Yes, Rara. I have nothing to do.

Rara : I was wondering if you’d like to come to a forum meeting to celebrate the Earth Day.

Ruri : Sounds great!

The dialogue above tells about....

a. announcement

b. apologize

c. thanking

d. invitation

e. advertisement

Jawaban: d

Pembahasan: dialog tersebut adalah tentang undangan


60. “Good afternoon the visitors of Jakarta Fair 2010.”

“Attention, please!”

“We announce for who belongings a car which numbered B 6973 RD, to move away your car, because it obstructs the other cars to pass the entrance.” 

“Thank you for attention.”

The text above tells about....

a. invitation

b. thanking

c. apologizing

d. advertisement

e. announcement

Jawaban: e

Pembahasan: teks tersebut adalah sebuah pengumuman


61. It seems that earth is the only planet .... can support life

a. that

b. if

c. when

d. where

e. who

Jawaban: a

Pembahasan: relative clause yang tepat untuk kalimat tersebut adalah that


62. A mystery is something ... cannot be explained

a. if

b. who

c. when

d. that

e. whom

Jawaban: d

Pembahasan: relative clause yang tepat untuk kalimat tersebut adalah that


63. Do you know the woman.... lives next door?

a. who

b. which

c. that

d. when

e. where

Jawaban: a

Pembahasan: relative clause yang tepat untuk kalimat tersebut adalah who


64. They .... attend Nina’s wedding party next week

a. is go

b. go to

c. are going to

d. would rather

e. prefer

Jawaban: c


Pembahasan: simple future tense


65. I .... you when I arrive

a. will call

b. never call

c. am call

d. have call

e. called

Jawaban: a


Choose the best answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e!


66. These are the functions of memo, except....

a. make a request

b. clarify readers to a problem

c. announce a company policy

d. confirm what has been decided in a conversation

e. invite freinds

Jawaban: e


Question 67-70 refers to the following memo



To : All employees

From : Teddy Mcbrian The Peronnel Manager

Date : June 23, 2010

Sub : Company Travel


Effective July 1, all personell officers travelling on company business must use the most economical means possible. No flight under five hours can be booked in business class. No flight regardless of duration can be booked in first class or on the Concorde


67. Who is affected by this memo?

a. all personnel officers

b. only the personnel manager

c. only the board of directors

d. Teddy Mcbrian

e. only frequent travelers

Jawaban: a


68. Why was the memo written?

a. to save money

b. to save time

c. to reward the employees

d. to increase company travel

e. technical problems

Jawaban: a

Pembahasan: memo tersebut ditulis untuk menghemat uang perusahaan


69. If a fligh over five hours, what clas can be booked?

a. first

b. business

c. concorde

d. executive

e. economy

Jawaban: b


70. When  will the rule be effective?

a. in five month

b. at the first of year

c. at the end of summer

d. in two months

e. in about a week

Jawaban: e

Pembahasan: peraturan tersebut berlaku mulai tanggal 1 Juli (sekitar seminggu setelah penulisan memo).


Questions 71-73 refer to the following text

 My Useful Telephone Numbers


My school                 876-4122

Rara my classmate    875-3315

Mom                          875-4432

My Dad                      876-6245

Grandma                    875-3974


71. If you want to ask about homework, which number would you call?

a. 876-4122

b. 876-6245

c. 875-3974

d. 875-3315

e. 875-4432

Jawaban: d

Pembahasan: jika ingin menanyakan tentang pekerjaan rumah maka orang yang akan ditelepon adalah Rara


72. It’s time to holiday, I want to refresh in a village, which number would you call?

a. 876-4122

b. 876-6245

c. 875-3974

d. 875-3315

e. 875-4432

Jawaban: c

Pembahasan: jika ingin berlibur di desa maka orang yang akan ditelepon adalah nenek (grandma)


73. If you want to ask at what time your dad will go home today, which number would you call?

a. 876-4122

b. 876-6245

c. 875-3974

d. 875-3315

e. 875-4432

Jawaban: b


74. If we....(not go) to their party, they would be disappointed

a. not going

b. didn’t go

c. aren’t go

d. don’t go

e. gone

Jawaban: b


75. I’m not tired enough to go to bed yet. I.....seleep if I went to bed now.

a. shall

b. should

c. can

d. wouldn’t

e. will

Jawaban: d


76. I saw Jane this morning. She was.... the bus

a. on

b. in

c. at

d. by

e. with

Jawaban: a

Pembahasan: preposition yang tepat untuk kalimat tersebut adalah on


77. The plane was badly

a. with

b. on

c. by

d. in

e. at

Jawaban: c

Pembahasan: pesawat tersebut rusak parah tersambar halilintar


78. Sorry, we’re late. We missed the bus, so we had to come... foot.

a. with

b. on

c. by

d. in 

e. at

Jawaban: b

Pembahasan: kami ketinggalan bus, karena itulah kami harus berjalan kaki


79. Our team lost the game only because of a mistake ... one of our players

a. by

b. in

c. with

d. on

e. at

Jawaban: a


80. Who is the man standing...the window?

a. by

b. in

c. with

d. at

e. on

Jawaban: a


81. I decided not to go .... car

a. at

b. on

c. with

d. in

e. by

Jawaban: e


82. I went ..... my bicyle instead

a. in

b. with

c. by

d. on

e. at

Jawaban: d


83. What is the last part of a letter?

a. to

b. dear

c. signature

d. address

e. sincerely yours

Jawaban: c

Pembahasan: bagian paling akhir dari sebuah surat adalah tanda tangan


84. Put a stamp on the...

a. lower

b. 1st paragraph

c. 2nd paragraph

d. middle

e. upper right hand

Jawaban: e

Pembahasan: penggunaan pena bukanlah bagian dari sebuah undangan


85. These are parts of personal invitations, except....

a. a polite introduction

b. general courtesies

c. closing

d. giving more detail

e. using a ballpoint

Jawaban: b

Pembahasan: Rian mengirimkan surat Marsha melalui pos


86. “How did you snd that letter yesterday?”

“I sent that”

a. in

b. by

c. to

d. with

e. at

Jawaban: a

Pembahasan: teks tersebut adalah sebuah undangan



Hi Freinds

Please come to my birtday party

On Sunday, August 15, 2010

At 4 p.m.

Jl. Raya Permai No. 19 Tangerang




The text above tells about....

a. invitation

b. announcement

c. advertisement

d. apologize

e. memo

Jawaban: e

Pembahasan: teks tersebut adalah sebuah undangan


88. A text that tells about something to be remembered or short report is....

a. invitation

b. announcement

c. advertisement

d. apologize

e. memo

Jawaban: a


89. I would be happy if my a new car

a. buy

b. bought

c. was bought

d. have bought

e. will buy

Jawaban: b


90. An educational Institute needs some qualified teachers. What should they do?

a. announce consumers

b. invite the qualified teachers

c. advertise a job vacancy

d. write a memo

e. promote a new product

Jawaban: c

Pembahasan: sebuah institut membutuhkan beberapa guru yang memenuhi persyaratan, maka institut tersebut sebaiknya memasang iklan lowongan pekerjaan.


91. Susan asked Margareth, “Where do you live?”

He asked her....

a. to ask  gus address

b. to go

c. don’t go anywhere

d. when she go

e. where she lived

Jawaban: e


92. “My fahter is 45 years old. He works at multinational company.”

The sentence is an example of....

a. recount

b. descriptive text

c. narrative text

d. news item

e. headlines

Jawaban: b

Pembahasan: kalimat tersebut adalah contoh teks deskriptif


93. Peggy told me that the girls had helped in the house.

The sentence is an example of....

a. direct speech

b. argumentation

c. reported speech

d. exposition

e. comparison

Jawaban: c

Pembahasan: kalimat tersebut adalah adalah contoh reported speech


94. I’m afraid I .... to your party next week

a. can’t come

b. came

c. would come

d. able to coming

e. comes

Jawaban: a

Pembahasan: kata-kata yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik tersebut adalah can’t come


95. These are the types of narrative text, except....

a. folktales

b. legend

c. advertising

d. historical fiction

e. fantasy

Jawaban: c

Pembahasan: Advertisement bukanlah contoh teks narrative


96. The purpose of narrative text is to...

a. describe

b. retell what happen

c. report something

d. persuade the reader that something is fun

e. entertain

Jawaban: b


97. The social function of descriptive text is to describe....

a. report something

b. particular person

c. persuade the reader that something is fun

d. entertain

e. give an advice

Jawaban: b


98. “You look tired.”

“Yes, I .... last night.”

a. can sleep

b. can’t sleep

c. could sleeping

d. couldn’t sleep

e. am sleeping

Jawaban: d


99. Ronny told me, “I like the movie.”

Rony told me that ....

a. She liked the movie

b. he doesn’t like the movie

c. he liked everything

d. he liked the movie

e. he likes that movie

Jawaban: d

Pembahasan: Rony berkata bahwa ia menyukai filem tersebut


100. I studied at SD “Merah Putih” in Jakarta. After finishing my elementary school. I moved from Jakarta with my parents to Samarinda.”

The text above is an example of....

a. descriptive

b. narrative

c. argumentation

d. news item

e. advertisement

Jawaban: b


101. Would you... return this book to the school library tomorrow?

a. be able to

b. could

c. can

d. mind

e. like

Jawaban: a


102. The following title is the example of narrative text....

a. The procedure of Making a Birthday Cake

b. How to Make Orange Juice

c. Malin Kundang

d. How to be a Good Student

e. The Process of Making a Plane

Jawaban: c


103. Irman Said, “I don’t like watching movie.”

The indirect sentence of the sentence above is....

a. Irman said he doesn’t like watching movie

b. Irman said that he is not like watching movie

c. Irman said that he will not like watching movie

d. Irman said that he did not like watching movie

e. Irman said that he doesn’t like watching movie

Jawaban: d


104. Sany asked me, “What do you bring?”

Sandy asked me...

a. what I brought

b. what I’ve brought

c. what I am bringing

d. what I has brought

e. what I bring

Jawaban: a

Pembahasan: Sally bertanya apakah yang saya bawa


105. The story of Sangkuriang belongs to .... text.

a. narrative

b. descriptive

c. recount

d. report

e. procedure

Jawaban: a

Pembahasan: cerita Sangkuriang termasuk jenis teks narative


106. Raka asked me why I came late?

Raka asked me, “ .... “

a. why are you coming late?

b. why will you come?

c. why did you come late?

e. why does you come late?

Jawaban: c


107. I want a .... flat. We don;t have enough space here.

a. bigger

b. biggest

c. more bigger

d. more biggest

e. big

Jawaban: a

Pembahasan: kata yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik tersebut adalah bigger, yang artinya lebih besar


108. You’ll find your way around the town... if you have a good map.

a. more easy

b. easely

c. more easily

d. more easier

e. easier

Jawaban: e

Pembahasan: kita akan lebih mudah mencari jalan di kota jika memiliki peta yang bagus


109. You look... Have you lost your weight?

 a. more fat

b. fatten up

c. thinner

d. fat

e. thin

Jawaban: c

Pembahasan: kata yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik tersebut adalah thinner, yang artinya lebih kurus


110. Health and happines are ... money

a. more important than

b. most important

c. important than

d. imported

e. import

Jawaban: a


111. We play volleyball. The passive voice of the sentence is....

a. Volleyball is playing by us

b. Volleyball is played by me

c. Volleyball is played us

d. Volleyball are played by us

e. Volleyball is played by us

Jawaban: e


Questions 2-5 refer to the following text!


I have a close Freind. She is beautiful, attractive, and trendy. She always want to be a trend setter of the day. She always pays much attention on her appearance. Rencently, she bought a new boots from Blowfish shoes production.The shoes really suit her.


Her new Blowfish women shoes are wonderful. When she walks with the shoes, all of her freinds, including me will watch and admire her that she has the most suitable shoes for her physical appearance. The style, bright color, and the brand represent her as a smart woman of the day. She really has a perfect appearance.


She really likes the shoes. She said that the products covered all genders. The blowfish men’s shoes are as elegant as the women’s shoes. The products provide various choice from ballet, casual, until athletic shoes. Those shoes designed in atractive way. The products are international trader mark and become the hottest trend.


112. The text above is an example of .... text

a. narrative

b. descriptive

c. fable

d. argument

e. news item

Jawaban: b

Pembahasan: teks “My Freind’s New Shoes” adalah contoh teks descriptive


113. The text above describes about....

a. shoes

b. friend

c. new stylist

d. products

e. designer

Jawaban: a


114. According to structure of descriptive text. Identification is on the .... paragraph.

a. first

b. second

c. third

d. fourth

e. fifth

Jawaban: a


115. The description is on the .... paragraph

a. first

b. second

c. third

d. fourth

e. fifth

Jawaban: b


116. Tom : “Come at 8!”

Tom told me .....

a. don’t be late

b. come 8 o’clock

c. to come at 8

d. come in

e. to join at 8

Jawaban: c


117. Anna : “Open the window!”

Anna told me....

a. don’t open the window

b. to close the window

c. open the window

d. to open the window

e. open the window, please

Jawaban: d


118. Mandy: “Can I help you?”

Mandy wanted to know....

a. If I help her

b. if she could help me

c. if you can help me

d. if I know her

e. if I can help you

Jawaban: b


119. Oliver taught the children. The passive voice of the sentence is ....

a. The child was taught by Oliver

b. The Children were taught by Oliver

c. The children thinking by Oliver

d. The child was thinking by Oliver

e. I taught a child by Oliver

Jawaban: b


120. Victoria rode the brown horse. The passive voice of the sentences is ....

a. The brown horse was rode

b. The brown had ridden

c. Victoria ridden the brown one

d. I was ride a horse

e. The brown horse was ridden by Victoria.

Jawaban: e


121. Frank : “How muh pocket money does Lisa get?”

Frank wanted to know....

a. when pocket money Lisa got

b. how much it cost

c. how much pocket money Frank got

d. where Lisa bought it

e. how much pocket money Lisa got.

Jawaban: e


122. I have recently lost my dog. He is a big, black and white dog, with a grey spot just above his left ear. He weighs 58 pounds and has black spots on his tongue. He is Chow and Shepred mix. He comes by the name of Sparky. 

The text is an example of .... text.

a. narrative

b. argument

c. news item

d. descriptive

e. tale

Jawaban: d


123. The paragraph above tells about....

a. lost freind

b. lost dog

c. a new dog

d. the color of dog

e. pet

Jawaban: b


124. “I woke up early this morning the I cleaned my bedroom, the I went to market to buy vegetables, the I played game with my brother”.

The text above is an example of ... text

a. descriptive

b. narrative

c. tale

d. fabel

e. news item

Jawaban: b


125. Teacher: “Do your homework!”

The teacher told me....

a. The homework is done

b. don’t do anything

c. don’t forget the homework

d. to do your homework

e. to do my homework

Jawaban: e


126. Mother waters the flowers.

The flowers....

a. watered by mother

b. are watered by  me

c. is mine

d. were watered is mine

e. are watered by mother

Jawaban: e

Pembahasan: bunga-bunga itu disiram oleh Ibuku.


127. Tom and Max ate five hamburgers.

Fiver hamburgers....

a. ate by me

b. are eat by Tom

c. were eaten by Tom and Max

d. are eaten only by Max

e. were ate by them

Jawaban: c

Pembahasan: lima hamburger telah dimakan oleh Tom dan Max


128. These are the linguistic features of news item text, except....

a. Action verbs

b. Verbal verbs

c. Spatial circumstances

d. Orientation

e. Mental verbs

Jawaban: d


129. The dog bit the old lady

The old lady....

a. is bit by the dog

b. was runaway

c. bitten by the dog

d. was bit herself

e. was bitten by the dog

Jawaban: e

Pembahasan: wanita tua itu digigit anjing.


130. These are the linguistic features of descriptive text, excep....

a. Specific participants

b. Mental verbs

c. Linking verbs

d. Simple present

e. Noun phrase

Jawaban: b

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