Kelas 10 Halaman 112-113 Chapter 5 Bagian B. Let's Answer, Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris

Read the statements and decide if they are found/discussed in either Expository Text 1 or Expository Text 2. Tick the appropriate box. Tick both, if
Kelas 10 Halaman 112-113 Chapter 5 Bagian B. Let's Answer, Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris
Pada buku paket Bahasa Inggris Work in Progress Kurikulum Merdeka Semester 2 Kelas X (sepuluh) SMA/SMK/MA/MAK Chapter 5, Halaman 112-113 terdapat bagian B. Let's Answer. Seperti biasa saya akan memberikan kunci jawaban beserta terjemahannya agar kalian mudah memahami.

B. Let's Answer

Read the statements and decide if they are found/discussed in either Expository Text 1 or Expository Text 2. Tick the appropriate box.
Bacalah pernyataan-pernyataan tersebut dan tentukan apakah pernyataan-pernyataan tersebut ditemukan/didiskusikan dalam Teks Ekspositori 1 atau Teks Ekspositori 2. Centang kotak yang sesuai.
Tick both, if the statement is found/discussed in both Expository Text 1 or Expository Text 2.
Centang keduanya, jika pernyataan tersebut ditemukan/dibahas dalam Teks Ekspositori 1 atau Teks Ekspositori 2.
Tick neither, if the statement is not found/discussed in both Expository Text 1 or Expository Text 2.
Centang juga, jika pernyataan tersebut tidak ditemukan/dibahas baik dalam Teks Ekspositori 1 maupun Teks Ekspositori 2.
Read the two texts again carefully this time, pay attention to the details, then select the best answer.
Baca kedua teks lagi dengan hati-hati kali ini, perhatikan detailnya, lalu pilih jawaban terbaik.

Kunci Jawaban

Expository Both Neither Your Notes
Text 1 Text 2
Graiti is art I agree that graffiti is art. But, artist should do it for positive thing.
Graiti is always
Many juvenile make graffiti on permit properties for the goodness of value.
Graiti is celebrate
by those who are
Some juvenile make graffiti for celebrate, but many juvenile make graffiti for expressing their art ability.
Graiti connects the
public and the artist
It is true. Graffiti becomes a media of communication between artist and public.
Graiti turns simple
building into a
Graffiti can make the old building to be artistic.
Graiti has the power
to affect people
Graffiti that expressing the voice of people can be a moral message.
Graiti is committed
without permission
on another person’s
Someone or tagger who make graffiti should has permission from property owner.
No two pieces of
graiti are the same
Yes, graffiti is the expressing each creator themselves.
Physical disorder and
vandalism have a
contagious effect
Create graffiti can be a trend. Some vandalist make others follow.
Everyone is meant to
be appreciated
People will stand and watch the creator for hour. People will tell how much they like it and share their thoughts and opinions.
The one who created
graiti is usually
involves in other
crimes as well
Graffiti must be made for a positive purpose, so that it gives kindness.

Temukan pembahasan lainnya di sini:
Kelas 7 Kelas 8 Kelas 9 Kelas 10 Kelas 11 Kelas 12

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