Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Chapter 6 Halaman 80 Kelas 11 SMA

The milk spilled all over the floor, so Jane got a mop and cleaned it up. Cause: milk spilled. Effect: Jane mopped.
Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Chapter 6 Halaman 80 Kelas 11 SMA
 - Assalamu'alaikum siswaku semuanya, kali ini pak guru ingin membahas soal di buku paket Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI (sebelas) SMA / SMK / MA / MAK Chapter 6 Halaman 80 Bagian C.


C. Read the sentences and find the cause and effect. The first one has been done for you.

C. Bacalah kalimat-kalimatnya dan temukan sebab dan akibatnya. Yang pertama telah dilakukan untuk Anda.
  1. The milk spilled all over the floor, so Jane got a mop and cleaned it up.
    Cause: milk spilled
    Effect: Jane mopped

  2. Siti has planned a trip to her uncle’s house because she loves her cousins.
    Cause: ...
    Effect: ...

  3. The green house gases trap the heat in the air, so the Earth becomes warmer.
    Cause: ...
    Effect: ...

  4. Because the Sumatran tigers were almost extinct, the Indonesian government declared them as endangered species.
    Cause: ...
    Effect ...:

  5. Animals are becoming extinct because humans are moving into their habitats.
    Cause: ...
    Effect: ...


Kita bisa menjawab soal di atas menggunakan 2 cara:
  • A. Pertama: Menulis lengkap sesuai kalimat asli
  • B. Kedua: Menulis intinya saja

A. Cara Pertama: Menulis Lengkap

  1. The milk spilled all over the floor, so Jane got a mop and cleaned it up.
    Cause: milk spilled
    Effect: Jane mopped

  2. Siti has planned a trip to her uncle’s house because she loves her cousins.
    Cause: Siti loves her cousins
    Effect: Siti has planned a trip to her uncle’s house

  3. The green house gases trap the heat in the air, so the Earth becomes warmer.
    Cause: The green house gases trap the heat in the air
    Effect: The Earth becomes warmer

  4. Because the Sumatran tigers were almost extinct, the Indonesian government declared them as endangered species.
    Cause: The Sumatran tigers were almost extinct
    Effect : The Indonesian government declared them as endangered species.

  5. Animals are becoming extinct because humans are moving into their habitats.
    Cause: Humans are moving into their habitats
    Effect: Animals are becoming extinct

B. Cara Kedua: Menulis Intinya Saja

  1. The milk spilled all over the floor, so Jane got a mop and cleaned it up.
    Cause: milk spilled
    Effect: Jane mopped

  2. Siti has planned a trip to her uncle’s house because she loves her cousins.
    Cause: Siti loves her cousins
    Effect: Siti has planned a trip

  3. The green house gases trap the heat in the air, so the Earth becomes warmer.
    Cause: Green house gases trap the heat
    Effect: The Earth becomes warmer

  4. Because the Sumatran tigers were almost extinct, the Indonesian government declared them as endangered species.
    Cause: Sumatran tigers were almost extinct
    Effect : They declared as endangered species.

  5. Animals are becoming extinct because humans are moving into their habitats.
    Cause: Humans are moving
    Effect: Animals are becoming extinct


  1. Susu tumpah ke seluruh lantai, jadi Jane mengambil kain pel dan membersihkannya.
    Penyebab: susu tumpah
    Efek: Jane mengepel

  2. Siti telah merencanakan perjalanan ke rumah pamannya karena dia mencintai sepupunya.
    Penyebab: Dia mencintai sepupunya
    Efek: Siti telah merencanakan perjalanan ke rumah pamannya

  3. Gas rumah kaca memerangkap panas di udara, sehingga bumi menjadi lebih hangat.
    Penyebab: Gas rumah kaca memerangkap panas di udara
    Efek: Bumi menjadi lebih hangat

  4. Karena harimau Sumatera hampir punah, pemerintah Indonesia menyatakan mereka sebagai spesies yang terancam punah.
    Penyebab: Harimau sumatera hampir punah
    Efek : Pemerintah Indonesia menyatakan mereka sebagai spesies yang terancam punah.

  5. Hewan menjadi punah karena manusia pindah ke habitatnya.
    Penyebab: Manusia pindah ke habitatnya
    Efek: Hewan menjadi punah
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