Pembahasan Soal Try Out Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1

Hello Billy. I am Sintya. I am Mr. Bambang’s daughter. I am writing to you to tell you my gratitude upon your help to my father that day. My father su
Pembahasan Soal Try Out Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 - Untuk bapak ibu guru yang saat ini lagi mencari soal untuk melatih kemampuan siswa kelas 10 SMA, berikut saya berikan 10 soal Bahasa Inggris yang berasal dari Try Out semester 1. 

Semua soalnya sudah terdapat kunci jawaban beserta penjelasan, bahkan saya juga memberikan terjemahan pada teks bacaan (dalam kotak abu-abu). Jadi tidak perlu repot -repot lagi mencari kuncinya atau menjelaskan alasan mengapa jawabannya A, B, C, D, atau E.

Soal 1

To: Billy
       Hello Billy. I am Sintya. I am Mr. Bambang’s daughter. I am writing to you to tell you my gratitude upon your help to my father that day. My father suffers from Alzheimer’s disease since years ago. That day, my father left home without anybody knowing that he left. I had no idea that he had an accident. Fortunately, you helped him and saved his life. Some days after that, my friend who worked from the hospital where my father worked told me that my father was treated there. I got this number from the hospital where my father was treated and the staff told me that you had paid everything for my father. I want to meet you to say my gratitude to you and repay the money you spent on my father. I’m looking forward to meeting you soon.
Kepada: Billy
        Halo Billy. Saya Sintya. Saya putri Pak Bambang. Saya menulis kepada Anda untuk menyampaikan rasa terima kasih saya atas bantuan Anda kepada ayah saya hari itu. Ayah saya menderita penyakit Alzheimer sejak bertahun-tahun lalu. Hari itu, ayah saya pergi tanpa ada yang tahu bahwa dia pergi. Saya tidak tahu bahwa dia mengalami kecelakaan. Untungnya, Anda membantunya dan menyelamatkan hidupnya. Beberapa hari setelah itu, teman saya yang bekerja dari rumah sakit tempat ayah bekerja memberi tahu saya bahwa ayah saya dirawat di sana. Saya mendapat nomor ini dari rumah sakit tempat ayah saya dirawat dan staf memberi tahu saya bahwa Anda telah membayar semuanya untuk ayah saya. Saya ingin bertemu Anda untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Anda dan membayar kembali uang yang Anda habiskan untuk ayah saya. Saya berharap dapat segera bertemu dengan Anda.
What is the text about?
A) Sintya who introduces herself to Billy
B) Sintya who thanks Billy for what he did
C) Billy who did a bad thing to Sintya
D) Billy who wants to meet Sintya
E) Billy who is a doctor

Penjelasan: Pada teks di atas, tujuan utama Sintya adalah untuk berterima kasih pada Billy atas pertolongannya pada ayah Sintya

Soal 2

Who is Billy?
A) The one who suffers from Alzheimer
B) The one who left home
C) The one who helped Sintya’s father
D) The one who met Sintya
E) The one who will help Sintya
Jawaban tersebut terdapat pada kalimat “Fortunately, you helped him and saved his life.”

Soal 3

What happened to Sintya’s father?
A) He passed away because of an accident
B) He had an accident on the way home
C) He had an accident when he was away home
D) He left home because he was sad
E) He left home and had an accident

Penjelasan: Jawaban tersebut terdapat pada kalimat “That day, my father left home without anybody knowing that he left. I had no idea that he had an accident.”

Soal 4

What will Billy probably do after reading the message?
A) Billy will give information about himself
B) Billy will meet Sintya soon
C) Billy will not reply the message
D) Billy will visit Sintya’s father soon
E) Billy will ask Sintya to repay him soon

Penjelasan: Sintya berharap untuk dapat bertemu dengan Billy sehingga hal yang mungkin Billy lakukan setelah membaca teks di atas adalah bertemu dengan Sintya.

Soal 5

Mrs. Indah : “I want to congratulate you on your success. You did it well. You have practiced it for years and finally you got it. You really deserved it.”
Brian : “Thank you Mrs. Indah. I’m very thankful. This is because you helped me in doing this. I just love violin but could not play well. I often see the tutorial videos on how to play violin that you uploaded on youtube. Even though we never meet each other before, you do help me a lot. Thanks to you. I am your fan.”
Mrs. Indah : “Really? I don’t know that you watch my videos. Now, you are better than me. I’m just glad that I’m one of the judges who decided that you are the champion of this competition. Your performances were great this whole time.”
Brian : “Thank you so much Mrs. Indah. I hope one day we can play together.”
Mrs. Indah : “Sure. I’ll call you. Give me your number please.”
Brian : “Okay. 089507999275. Call me soon please.”
Mrs. Indah : “Sure. See you soon.”
Ibu Indah: “Saya ingin mengucapkan selamat atas kesuksesan Anda. Anda melakukannya dengan baik. Anda telah mempraktikkannya selama bertahun-tahun dan akhirnya Anda mendapatkannya. Kamu benar-benar pantas mendapatkannya. ”
Brian: “Terima kasih Bu Indah. Saya sangat berterima kasih. Ini karena Anda membantu saya dalam melakukan ini. Saya suka biola tapi tidak bisa bermain dengan baik. Saya sering melihat video tutorial cara bermain biola yang Anda upload di youtube. Meskipun kami belum pernah bertemu sebelumnya, Anda sangat membantu saya. Terima kasih untukmu. Aku adalah penggemarmu."
Ibu Indah: “Benarkah? Saya tidak tahu bahwa Anda menonton video saya. Sekarang, kamu lebih baik dariku. Saya senang menjadi salah satu juri yang memutuskan bahwa Anda adalah juara kompetisi ini. Penampilanmu luar biasa selama ini. "
Brian: “Terima kasih banyak Bu Indah. Saya berharap suatu hari kita bisa bermain bersama. "
Ibu Indah: “Tentu. Saya akan menelepon Anda. Tolong berikan nomormu. "
Brian: “Oke. 089507999275. Tolong hubungi saya segera. ”
Ibu Indah: “Tentu. Sampai jumpa lagi."
What achievement did Brian get?
A) Brian successfully joins a violin competition
B) Brian successfully plays violin well
C) Brian was successfully beaten by his competitors
D) Brian successfully beat his competitors
E) Brian successfully becomes the second winner

Penjelasan: Jawaban C berarti Billy dengan sukses mengalahkan kompetitor-kompetitornya. Jawaban tersebut terdapat pada pernyataan Mrs. Indah: “Really? I don’t know that you watch my videos. Now, you are better than me. I’m just glad that I’m one of the judges who decided that you are the champion of this competition. Your performances were great this whole time.”

Soal 6

How did Mrs. Indah help Brian?
A) Mrs. Indah teaches Brian indirectly
B) Mrs. Indah teaches Brian directly
C) Mrs. Indah encourages Brian
D) Mrs. Indah motivates Brian
E) Mrs. Indah did rehearsal with Brian

PenjelasanJawaban tersebut terdapat pada pernyataan Brian: “Thank you Mrs. Indah. I’m very thankful. This is because you helped me in doing this. I just love violin but could not play well. I often see the tutorial videos on how to play violin that you uploaded on youtube. Even though we never meet each other before, you do help me a lot. Thanks to you. I am your fan.” Pada kalimat yang dicetak tebal, Brian berkata bahwa dia sering menonton video tutorial Mrs. Indah. Dengan begitu, Mrs. Indah mengajar Brian secara tidak langsung.

Soal 7

From the conversation above, we can conclude that Mrs. Indah ...
A) is a music teacher
B) is a youtuber
C) is a violin lover
D) is a singer
E) is a violin teacher

PenjelasanMrs. Indah adalah seorang youtuber. Hal ini sesuai dengan pernyataan Brian: “Thank you Mrs. Indah. I’m very thankful. This is because you helped me in doing this. I just love violin but could not play well. I often see the tutorial videos on how to play violin that you uploaded on youtube. Even though we never meet each other before, you do help me a lot. Thanks to you. I am your fan.” Sesuai dengan kalimat yang dicetak tebal, kita mengetahui bahwa Mrs. Indah sering mengupload video di youtube yang berarti dia adalah seorang youtuber

Soal 8

What does Mrs. Indah think about Brian?
A) His ability to play violin is so so
B) His ability to play violin is worse
C) His ability to play violin was better than now
D) His ability to play violin is better than her
E) His ability to play violin is not as good as her

PenjelasanJawaban tersebut sesuai dengan pernyataan Mrs. Indah: “Really? I don’t know that you watch my videos. Now, you are better than me. I’m just glad that I’m one of the judges who decided that you are the champion of this competition. Your performances were great this whole time.” Pada kalimat yang dicetak tebal, Mrs. Indah berkata bahwa Brian bermain biola lebih baik dari dirinya

Soal 9

Dian: “Look at how beautiful this maroon jacket is. It’s really adorable. I think it suits in me well.”
Linda: “Yes it is. Do you have enough money to buy it? It is IDR 750.000.”
Dian: “Really. I cannot afford it. Should we go somewhere else?”
Linda: “Let’s go around. What color do you want to buy?”
Dian: “I like maroon.”
Linda: “Okay. How much money do you have to buy a jacket?”
Dian: “I have IDR 300.000. Is here the right place to buy a jacket with only IDR 300.000?”
Linda: “Not really. Everything here is expensive yet beautiful. I think we should go somewhere else but because we are already here, let’s buy a cup of ice cream. I know where very delicious ice cream is.”
Dian: “Okay.”

What does Dian finally buy there?
A) A jacket
B) A cup of ice cream
C) A 300.000 rupiah jacket
D) A maroon jacket
E) A maroon shirt

PenjelasanJawaban tersebut sesuai dengan pernyataan
Linda: “Not really. Everything here is expensive yet beautiful. I think we should go somewhere else but because we are already here, let’s buy a cup of ice cream. I know where very delicious ice cream is.” 

Dian: “Okay.”

Awalnya, Dian ingin membeli jaket. Tetapi karena harganya mahal, Dian tidak jadi membeli jaket. Dia akhirnya membeli es krim.

Soal 10

What Dian say about the maroon jacket?
A) It is very unique
B) It is too expensive
C) It is cute
D) It is not good for her
E) It is the best jacket she has ever seen

PenjelasanJawaban yang paling tepat adalah B karena salah satu yang dikatakan oleh Tiara adalah Dian: “Really. I cannot afford it. Should we go somewhere else?” kalimat yang dicetak tebal berarti dia tidak bisa membelinya karena uangnya tidak cukup atau harga jaket itu terlalu mahal untuknya

Demikian Pembahasan 10 Soal Try Out Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA Semester 1. Semoga bermanfaat buat guru bahasa Inggris yang mengajar di tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas.

Temukan pembahasan lainnya di sini:
Kelas 7 Kelas 8 Kelas 9 Kelas 10 Kelas 11 Kelas 12

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