Pembahasan Soal Direct and Indirect Speech Kelas 10 SMA

Danu says that he likes music. Jenny said that her mother was ill. Sonra said that her sister was sleeping. Ani said that they were reading a novel. H
Pembahasan Soal Direct and Indirect Speech Kelas 10 SMA
 - Direct speech dan Indirect speech merupakan materi yang sering ada disetiap kita belajar bahasa, baik bahasa Inggris maupun bahasa Indonesia.Kalau di dalam bahasa Indonesia materi ini sering kita kenal dengan Kalimat Langsung dan Tak Langsung.

Berikut ada 10 soal latihan mengubah kalimat Indirect Speech menjadi Direct Speech. Latihan ini bisa digunakan untuk tugas sekolah maupun tugas kuliah.


  1. Danu says that he likes music.
  2. Jenny said that her mother was ill.
  3. Sonia said that her sister was sleeping.
  4. Ani said that they were reading a novel.
  5. Helen said that she wanted to buy an umbrella.
  6. Simin said that he would call me.
  7. Laura said that she had eaten a banana.
  8. Jono asked Jini what she was reading.
  9. Gina told me to move quickly.
  10. Lucy asked me why I hated rats.


  1. Danu says, "I like music".
  2. Jeny said, "My mother is ill".
  3. Sonia said, "My sister is sleeping".
  4. Ani said, "We are reading a novel".
  5. Helen said, "I want to buy an umbrella".
  6. Simin said, "I will call you".
  7. Laura said, "I have eaten a banana".
  8. Jono said to Jini, "What are you reading?".
  9. Gina said to me, "Move quickly!".
  10. Lucy said to me, "Why do you hate rats?".


Dari soal & kunci jawaban di atas, maka dapat di simpulkan bawah, ketika kalimat indirect speech diubah jadi direct speech maka ada beberapa hal yang diganti
  • Kata "that" dihapus lalu diganti dengan tanda koma dan tanda petik
  • Subject "she & he" diganti menjadi "I" sedangkan "they" menjadi "we"
  • Object "me" diganti jadi "you"
  • Pronoun "her & his" diganti jadi "my"
  • To be dalam bentuk lampau seperti "was & were" di ganti jadi tobe bentuk sekarang, yaitu "is, am, are"
  • Verb II diubah jadi Verb I, misal "wanted" jadi "want", lalu "would" jadi "will"
  • Kata "asked & told" diubah menjadi "said to"
  • Tambahkan tanda tanya (?) untuk kalimat pertanyaan, dan tanda seru (!) untuk kalimat perintah.


Direct speech atau quoted speech merupakan sebuah kutipan langsung dari ucapan seseorang yang ditandai dengan quotation mark ("). Indirect speech atau reported speech juga memberikan informasi yang sama namun perbedaanya adalah tidak mengutip secara langsung melainkan mendeskripsikan ucapan tersebut dengan kalimat yang berbeda.

Untuk lebih jelasnya, yuk simak contoh penggunaan dari direct dan indirect speech di bawah ini!

1. Pergantian Tenses

Di kedua speech ini, terdapat pergantian tenses yang perlu untuk kamu lakukan. Tetapi ada pengecualian, yaitu jika kalimat pertama pada direct speech merupakan present tense atau future tense maka tidak perlu ada pergantian tenses di indirect speech.

Direct Speech
  1. She says, "She is ill."
  2. You say, " I drink a cup of coffee every morning."
  3. She said, "I take yoga class once a week."
  4. Siska said, "We are watching a movie."
  5. Jonny said, "My sister have finished her class."
Indirect Speech
  1. She says that she is ill.
  2. You say that you drink a cup of coffee every morning.
  3. She said that she took yoga class once a week.
  4. Siska said that they were watching a movie.
  5. Jonny said that her sister had finished her class.

2. Pergantian Waktu

Jika dalam direct speech terdapat keterangan waktu seperti now, tomorrow, today, yesterday, dan tonight maka pada indirect speech keterangan waktu tersebut harus diganti.

Direct Speech
  1. He said, "I need my phone now."
  2. My mom said, "I am going to your school today."
  3. She said, "My uncle visited me yesterday."
  4. Clay said, "I am going to Jakarta tomorrow."
  5. Clara said, "We are going to eat kebab tonight."
Indirect Speech
  1. He said that he need his phone then.
  2. My mom said that she was going to my school that day.
  3. She said that her uncle visited her the previous day.
  4. Clay said he was going to jakarta the next day.
  5. Clara said they were going to eat kebab that night.

3. Kalimat Perintah

Untuk menuliskan kalimat perintah pada indirect speech tentunya berbeda. Biasanya kalimat perintah dapat berisikan saran, permohonan, permintaan, atau pesan.

Direct Speech
  1. My brother said to my sister, "Close the windows."
  2. She said to him, "Bring your book, please."
  3. My teacher said to me, "Don't throw the rubbish in this room."
  4. Lily said to me, "You should find a job."
  5. You said to me, "Consult a doctor."
  6. Peter said to John, "Why are you so late?"
Indirect Speech
  1. My brother ordered my sister to close the windows.
  2. She requested him to bring my book.
  3. My teacher forbade me to throw the rubbish in that room.
  4. Lily advised me that he should find a job.
  5. You suggested me to consult a doctor.
  6. Peter asked John why he was so late.

Jika kalian punya tugas sekolah yang membingungkan, kalian bisa mengerjakannya sesuai kemampuan, lalu minta saya untuk mengkoreksinya. Tugasnya bisa dikirim melalui kolom komentar.

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