Gerund or Infinitive Exercise 2 (Soal, Kunci Jawaban, Terjemahan)

Gerund or Infinitive Exercise 2 Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets in the appropriate form. We arranged to meet under the station clock at half n
Gerund or Infinitive Exercise 2 (Soal, Kunci Jawaban, Terjemahan) -
Soal ini bisa digunakan untuk melatih dan melihat kemampuan siswa maupun mahasiswa yang sedang mempelajari tentang Gerund dan Invinitif

Gerund or Infinitive Exercise 2
Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets in the appropriate form.
  1. We arranged _____ under the station clock at half nine. ( meet )
  2. I always try to avoid _____ him whenever I can. ( see )
  3. I long _____ in Scotland again. ( be )
  4. My Mum demanded _____ the manager. ( see )
  5. My brother denied _____ my chocolate mousse. Maybe his hamster ate it. ( eat )
  6. I tried _____ but I just couldn't. ( understand )
  7. In the end I gave up _____ to persuade her. ( try )
  8. Charlie was pretending _____ a chicken. ( be )
  9. They chose _____ in a cheap hotel but spend more money on meals. ( stay)
  10. We like Galicia so much that we keep _____ back there. ( go )
  11. He deserves _____ severely punished. ( be )
  12. When we visit my aunt, they expect me _____ on my best behaviour. ( be )
  13. I didn't mean _____ her feelings. I'm really sorry. ( hurt )
  14. I always put off _____ my homework until the last possible moment. ( do )
  15. He goes on _____ me the same thing over and over again. ( tell )
  16. I can't stand _____ in the queue at the baker's. ( wait )
  17. The firemen managed _____ the fire pretty quickly. ( put out )
  18. I never risk _____ through that part of town. ( go )
  19. Clare offered _____ me to the airport, which was very kind of her. ( take )
  20. Dad threatened _____ my pocket money if I didn't do my homework. ( stop )

Gerund or Infinitive Exercise 2
Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets in the appropriate form.
  1. We arranged to meet under the station clock at half nine. ( meet )
  2. I always try to avoid seeing him whenever I can. ( see )
  3. I long to be in Scotland again. ( be )
  4. My Mum demanded to see the manager. ( see )
  5. My brother denied eating my chocolate mousse. Maybe his hamster ate it. ( eat )
  6. I tried to understand but I just couldn't. ( understand )
  7. In the end I gave up trying to persuade her. ( try )
  8. Charlie was pretending to be a chicken. ( be )
  9. They chose to stay in a cheap hotel but spend more money on meals. ( stay)
  10. We like Galicia so much that we keep going back there. ( go )
  11. He deserves to be severely punished. ( be )
  12. When we visit my aunt, they expect me to be on my best behaviour. ( be )
  13. I didn't mean to hurt her feelings. I'm really sorry. ( hurt )
  14. I always put off doing my homework until the last possible moment. ( do )
  15. He goes on telling me the same thing over and over again. ( tell )
  16. I can't stand waiting in the queue at the baker's. ( wait )
  17. The firemen managed to put the fire pretty quickly. ( put out )
  18. I never risk going through that part of town. ( go )
  19. Clare offered to take me to the airport, which was very kind of her. ( take )
  20. Dad threatened to stop my pocket money if I didn't do my homework. ( stop )

Latihan Gerund atau Infinitive 2
Isi celah dengan kata kerja dalam tanda kurung di formulir yang sesuai.
  1. Kami mengatur untuk bertemu di bawah jam stasiun pada pukul setengah sembilan. ( memenuhi )
  2. Saya selalu berusaha menghindari bertemu dengannya kapan pun saya bisa. ( lihat )
  3. Saya rindu berada di Skotlandia lagi. (menjadi)
  4. Ibuku ingin bertemu dengan manajernya. ( lihat )
  5. Kakakku menyangkal memakan mousse cokelatku. Mungkin hamster memakannya. (makan)
  6. Saya mencoba untuk mengerti tetapi saya tidak bisa. (mengerti)
  7. Pada akhirnya saya menyerah untuk mencoba membujuknya. (coba)
  8. Charlie berpura-pura menjadi ayam. (menjadi)
  9. Mereka memilih untuk tinggal di hotel murah tetapi menghabiskan lebih banyak uang untuk makan. (tinggal)
  10. Kami sangat menyukai Galicia sehingga kami terus kembali ke sana. ( pergi )
  11. Dia pantas dihukum berat. (menjadi)
  12. Ketika kami mengunjungi bibi saya, mereka mengharapkan saya berperilaku terbaik. (menjadi)
  13. Saya tidak bermaksud untuk menyakiti perasaannya. Aku sangat menyesal. (sakit)
  14. Saya selalu menunda mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah saya sampai saat-saat terakhir. (lakukan)
  15. Dia terus memberitahuku hal yang sama berulang kali. (beritahu)
  16. Saya tidak tahan menunggu dalam antrian di toko roti. (tunggu)
  17. Petugas pemadam kebakaran berhasil memadamkan api dengan cukup cepat. ( matikan )
  18. Saya tidak pernah mengambil risiko melewati bagian kota itu. ( pergi )
  19. Clare menawarkan untuk membawaku ke bandara, yang sangat baik padanya. (ambil)
  20. Ayah mengancam akan menghentikan uang jajanku jika aku tidak mengerjakan PR. ( berhenti )
Demikian soal, kunci jawaban, dan terjemahan tentang Gerund dan Infinitive, semoga bermanfaat dan bisa jadi bahan ulangan atau ujian untuk para siswa maupun mahasiswa.

Temukan pembahasan lainnya di sini:
Kelas 7 Kelas 8 Kelas 9 Kelas 10 Kelas 11 Kelas 12

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