Gerund or Infinitive Exercise 1 (Soal, Kunci Jawaban, Terjemahan)

Gerund or Infinitive Exercise 1 Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets in the appropriate form. I can't stand waiting in queues. ( wait ) I wouldn't
Gerund or Infinitive Exercise 1 Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets in the appropriate form.  I can't stand waiting in queues. ( wait ) I wouldn't like to be in his shoes. ( be ) Jim loves working in Thailand. ( work ) I hate doing the shopping on Saturday. ( do ) Blast! I forgot to buy milk. ( buy ) In the end we decided to stay in. ( stay ) I need to find some information about Portugal. ( find ) My parents like going for long walks at the weekend. ( go ) Tony gave up smoking years ago. ( smoke ) I wanted to go and see Troy but no one else was interested. ( go ) Mrs Leith offered to take us to the airport. ( take ) Clare refused to help clean up after the party. ( help ) I tried to persuade him to come but it was no use. ( persuade ) Do you mind not smoking ? ( smoke ) Everybody really enjoyed dancing the cha-cha-cha. ( dance ) - Soal ini bisa digunakan untuk melatih dan melihat kemampuan siswa maupun mahasiswa yang sedang mempelajari tentang Gerund dan Invinitif

Gerund or Infinitive Exercise 1
Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets in the appropriate form. 
  1. I can't stand            in queues. ( wait )
  2. I wouldn't like           in his shoes. ( be )
  3. Jim loves           in Thailand. ( work )
  4. I hate           the shopping on Saturday. ( do )
  5. Blast! I forgot           milk. ( buy )
  6. In the end we decided           in. ( stay )
  7. I need           some information about Portugal. ( find )
  8. My parents like           for long walks at the weekend. ( go )
  9. Tony gave up           years ago. ( smoke )
  10. I wanted           and see Troy but no one else was interested. ( go )
  11. Mrs Leith offered           us to the airport. ( take )
  12. Clare refused           clean up after the party. ( help )
  13. I tried           him to come but it was no use. ( persuade )
  14. Do you mind not           ? ( smoke )
  15. Everybody really enjoyed           the cha-cha-cha. ( dance )

Gerund or Infinitive Exercise 1
Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets in the appropriate form. 
  1. I can't stand waiting in queues. ( wait )
  2. I wouldn't like to be in his shoes. ( be )
  3. Jim loves working in Thailand. ( work )
  4. I hate doing the shopping on Saturday. ( do )
  5. Blast! I forgot to buy milk. ( buy )
  6. In the end we decided to stay in. ( stay )
  7. I need to find some information about Portugal. ( find )
  8. My parents like going for long walks at the weekend. ( go )
  9. Tony gave up smoking years ago. ( smoke )
  10. I wanted to go and see Troy but no one else was interested. ( go )
  11. Mrs Leith offered to take us to the airport. ( take )
  12. Clare refused to help clean up after the party. ( help )
  13. I tried to persuade him to come but it was no use. ( persuade )
  14. Do you mind not smoking ? ( smoke )
  15. Everybody really enjoyed dancing the cha-cha-cha. ( dance )

Latihan Gerund atau Infinitive 1
Isi celah dengan kata kerja dalam tanda kurung di formulir yang sesuai.
  1. Saya tidak tahan menunggu dalam antrian. (tunggu)
  2. Saya tidak ingin berada di sepatunya. (menjadi)
  3. Jim suka bekerja di Thailand. (kerja)
  4. Saya benci berbelanja pada hari Sabtu. (melakukan)
  5. Ledakan! Saya lupa membeli susu. (membeli)
  6. Pada akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk tinggal. (tetap)
  7. Saya perlu mencari informasi tentang Portugal. (temukan)
  8. Orang tua saya suka berjalan-jalan di akhir pekan. (pergilah)
  9. Tony berhenti merokok bertahun-tahun yang lalu. (merokok)
  10. Saya ingin pergi dan melihat Troy tetapi tidak ada orang lain yang tertarik. (pergilah)
  11. Nyonya Leith menawarkan diri untuk mengantar kami ke bandara. (mengambil)
  12. Clare menolak membantu membersihkan setelah pesta. (tolong)
  13. Saya mencoba membujuknya untuk datang tetapi tidak ada gunanya. (membujuk)
  14. Apakah Anda keberatan untuk tidak merokok? (merokok)
  15. Semua orang sangat menikmati menari cha-cha-cha. (menari)
Demikian soal, kunci jawaban, dan terjemahan tentang Gerund dan Infinitive, semoga bermanfaat dan bisa jadi bahan ulangan atau ujian untuk para siswa maupun mahasiswa.

Temukan pembahasan lainnya di sini:
Kelas 7 Kelas 8 Kelas 9 Kelas 10 Kelas 11 Kelas 12

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