Terjemahan Teks Hi! My name is Mi-Yong. I live in Seoul

Hi! My name is Mi-Yong. I live in Seoul, the capital city with over ten millions people and two millions motor vehicles. My favorite holiday is sol, t
Hi! My name is Mi-Yong. I live in Seoul, the capital city with over ten millions people and two millions motor vehicles. My favorite holiday is sol, the lunar New Year’s Day. It is an occasion for family reunion. Every year over 20 million people travel across the country and celebrate the holiday season with their families. My family visits grandparents and relatives in the countryside.
Hi! My name is Mi-Yong. I live in Seoul, the capital city with over ten millions people and two millions motor vehicles. My favorite holiday is sol, the lunar New Year’s Day. It is an occasion for family reunion. Every year over 20 million people travel across the country and celebrate the holiday season with their families. My family visits grandparents and relatives in the countryside.

Hai! Namaku Mi-Yong. Saya tinggal di Seoul, ibu kota dengan lebih dari sepuluh juta orang dan dua juta kendaraan bermotor. Liburan favorit saya adalah sol, Hari Tahun Baru Imlek. Ini adalah kesempatan untuk reuni keluarga. Setiap tahun lebih dari 20 juta orang melakukan perjalanan ke seluruh negeri dan merayakan musim liburan bersama keluarga mereka. Keluarga saya mengunjungi kakek dan kerabat di pedesaan.

1. What capital city of is Seoul?
a. China
b. Japan
c. North Korea
d. South Korea

2. What is Mi-yong favourite holiday?
a. Birhday
b. New Year
c. Christmast
d. Lunar New Year

3. What is the lunar New Year’s Day in Korean?
a. Sol
b. Seoul
c. Favorite
d. Mi-Young

4. What does Mi-Yong do in her holiday?
a. travelling
b. has a party
c. has a class reunion
d. visits her grandparents

5. Where do Mi-yong’s grandparents live?
a. Seoul
b. Capital City
c. Sea shore
d. countryside

6. How many people travel across the country and celebrate the holiday?
a. 20.000
b. 200.000
c. 2.000.000
d. 20.000.000

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