Chapter 14 Halaman 187 Text Structure (Pembahasan Soal Kelas 10)

Parts of Narrative Purposes Details Setting and character To introduce setting and character - There was a great warrior named Strong Wind. - He lived
Chapter 14 Halaman 187 Text Structure (Pembahasan Soal Kelas 10)
- Pada Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas X (Sepuluh) ada Text Structure Hal 178 yang meminta kita untuk melengkapi bagan yang menunjukkan struktur teks dari cerita Strong Wind di halaman 183-185


Individually, complete the following chart to find out the structure of the story ‘Strong Wind’.
Secara individu, lengkapi bagan berikut untuk mengetahui struktur cerita 'Angin Kuat'.
Parts of
Purposes Details
Setting and
To introduce setting and character- There was a great warrior named Strong Wind.
- He lived with his sister in a tent by the sea.
- His sister could see him, but no one else could.
- He would marry the first woman who could see him
Conflict To start the conflict- Many women came up to his tent to watch for him.
- Strong Wind’s sister would know that they were lying
Plot (action) To show an action as part of a plot- A chief had three daughters.
- The last daughter was gentle and beautiful.
- The two elder daughters were really mean to their younger sister.
- The youngest daughter remained calm.
Plot (rising
To show rising action- The two older sisters went to try to meet Strong Wind.
- They lied.
Plot (climax) To show the climax- The youngest sister also went to try to meet
Strong Wind.
- She did not tell a lie.
- Strong Wind let her see him.
- She regained her beauty.
- They both married
Plot (falling
To tell falling action- The elder sisters got angry.
- Strong Wind turned them into aspen trees.

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Kelas 7 Kelas 8 Kelas 9 Kelas 10 Kelas 11 Kelas 12

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