Kunci Jawaban Chapter 4 Halaman 56 Vocabulary Exercise

The tourist had never seen such a big monkey. When he saw an orangutan swinging on trees for the first time, he shouted, “Wow, that’s amazing.”
Kunci Jawaban Chapter 4 Halaman 56 Vocabulary Exercise
Saifullah.id - Halo semua, seperti biasa kita akan menjawab soal di buku Bahasa Inggris kelas X (sepuluh) tingkat SMA/SMK/MA/MAK. Tapi pembahasan kali ini berfokus pada Vocabulary Exercise pada Chapter 4 halaman 56.

Sesuai namanya, Vocabulary Exercise merupakan latihan untuk memperbanyak perbendaharaan kata dalam bahasa Inggris. Jadi untuk mengerjakan soal ini kalian harus menyediakan kamus sebagai alat bantu.

Disclaimer! Pembahasan soal yang ada di sini ditujukan sebagai alat bantu koreksi saja, bukan untuk sarana kalian bermalas-malasan.

Jadi, Saiful harap kalian mengerjakan soal-soalnya menurut versi kalian dulu sampai selesai . Baru kemudian kalian boleh mencocokan jawaban kalian dengan jawaban yang Saiful punya.

Dengan begitu otak kalian akan ikut bekerja dan mendapatkan manfaat dari belajar. Generasi muda harus bisa memanfaatkan teknologi untuk menunjang kecerdasan bukan malah dijadikan sarana berpangku tangan. Ok?


Complete the following sentences using the words in the box.
Lengkapi kalimat berikut menggunakan kata-kata di dalam kotak.
amazing = luar biasa / mengagumkan
unlike = tidak seperti
destination = tujuan
impressive = mengesankan
center = tengah
establish = mendirikan
rehabilitation = rehabilitasi 
snout = hidung / moncong
enormous = sangat besar
ex-captive = bekas penangkaran
peninsula = tanjung
  1. The tourist had never seen such a big monkey. When he saw an orangutan swinging on trees for the first time, he shouted, “Wow, that’s _______.”
  2. _______ other types of monkeys, proboscis monkeys are unique because of their big noses.
  3. Bali has been the most popular tourist _______ for years, but Indonesia has many other beautiful places to offer to international visitors.
  4. Visitors of the jungle will not forget the _______ nights in the boats where they can enjoy the dark night sky decorated with millions of bright stars that they cannot enjoy in big cities.
  5. If only the national park were located in the _______ of the city, I would be able to inhale fresh air and observe the primates’ interesting behavior every day. 
  6. The local government needs to _______ an information center to attract more tourists to visit Indonesia.
  7. Located at the _______ of the jungle you can see a rehabilitation center for ex-captive animals. The location makes it easy to reach from all directions.
  8. When people hear the words Tanjung Kodok, they may associate the name with a _______ like Tanjung Puting National Park.
  9. _______ orangutans may not be afraid of meeting with humans because they used to live with them as illegal pets.
  10. I always appreciate the strength ants have because although they are very small they can carry _______ load of food.
  11. Their unusually large _______ differentiates proboscis monkeys from other monkeys.
  12. We may not keep endangered animals that are protected by the law as our pet. If we have one, we should send it to _______ site where it can live in a more natural habitat.

Temukan pembahasan lainnya di sini:
Kelas 7 Kelas 8 Kelas 9 Kelas 10 Kelas 11 Kelas 12

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