Pembahasan Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar Review Task 2 Chapter 12 Hal 165-166 Kelas 10

a.Issumboshi said to the princess, “I’ll stay in your pocket and guard you from all harm.” b. Issumboshi said to the princess that he would stay in he
Pembahasan Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar Review Task 2 Chapter 12 Hal 165-166 Kelas 10
- Kemarin kita sudah membahasa materi tentang Reported Speech (Indirect Speech) atau bahasa Indonesianya kalimat tidak langsung. Nah sekarang kita masuk ke pembahasan soal halaman 165-166 di buku Bahasa Inggris kelas X (Sepuluh) SMA/SMK/MA. 

Seperti biasa setiap kali membahas soal, saya akan memberikan tanda khusus pada kalimatnya, baik berupa cetak tebal, warna, atau garis bawah agar kalian fokus bagian mana yang berubah dan mudah mengaplikasikannya pada soal yang lain.

Pada dasarnya bahasa Inggris itu mudah, apalagi soal yang kita bahas kali ini tidak perlu keahlian menterjemahkan. Yang perlu kalian punya hanya keahlian memindahkan, mengganti kata ganti orang, dan mengganti kata kerja/to be ke bentuk lampau.


Task 2:
Put the following direct sentences into reported speech.
Tugas 2:
Ubah kalimat langsung berikut ke dalam kalimat tidak langsung.

Cetak tebal
= kunci jawaban
Garis bawah = kata yang diubah
Warna cokelat = kata tambahan
Warna merah = kata ganti orang sebagai subject
Warna hijau = dijadikan lampau
Warna Pink = kata ganti orang sebagai object
Warna biru = kata ganti kepunyaan
Warna ungu = kata ganti penunjuk
  1. a. Issumboshi said to the princess, “I’ll stay in your pocket and guard you from all harm.”
    b. Issumboshi said to the princess that he would stay in her pocket and guard her from all harm.

  2. a. The lord said, “I’ll employ you.”
    b. The lord said that he would employ him.

  3. a. Issumboshi told the princess, ”I’ll defend you upon my life.”
    b. Issumboshi told the princess that he would defend her upon his life.

  4. a. The demon said, “This magic hammer will grant you a wish.”
    b. The demon said that that magic hammer would grant him a wish.

  5. a. The demon said to Issumboshi, “I give this magic hammer to you.”
    b. The demon said to Issumboshi that he would give that magic hammer to him.

  6. a. John said, “I am feeling ill.”
    b. John said that he was feeling ill.

  7. a. Bob told me, “Dan works very hard.”
    b. Bob told me that Dan worked very hard.

  8. a. Riana said, “I don’t have any brothers or sisters.”
    b. Riana said that she didn’t have any brothers or sisters.

  9. a. Fadhil told me, “Sarah has a very well-paid job.”
    b. Fadhil told me that Sarah had a very well-paid job.

  10. a. Tika said, “I don’t like fish.”
    b. Tika said that she didn’t like fish.

  11. a. The manager said to Santi, “I employ you.”
    b. The manager said to Santi that he (she) would employ her.

  12. a. The teacher told the students, “You have to collect the assignment on November 10.”
    b. The teacher told the students that they had to collect the assignment on November 10.

  13. a. Rudi said, “My mother is leaving for Jakarta soon.”
    b. Rudi said that his mother was leaving for Jakarta soon.

  14. a. Sasha told Iman, “You need to plan the program carefully.”
    b. Sasha told Iman that he needed to plan the program carefully.

  15. a. Narti said, “The school is organizing a trip for the students of Year 10 only.”
    Narti said that the school was organizing a trip for the students of Year 10 only.

Temukan pembahasan lainnya di sini:
Kelas 7 Kelas 8 Kelas 9 Kelas 10 Kelas 11 Kelas 12

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