Cara Menjawab Soal Pakai Noun Clauses

A: The woman is David’s sister. Does she work in a hospital? B: Yes, she is David’s sister, but I don’t know whether she work in a hospital or not. A: It’s a pity that the thief stole your watch. When did you buy it? B: I don’t quite remember when I bought it. A: Peas require rich soil and a cool growing season to develop well. B: Yes, I certainly agree that they develop well in that conditions. A: David has a piano in his house. Do you know how much does it cost? B: I’m sorry to say that I don’t know how much that it cost. A: Mother is not at home. Is she going shopping at the supermarket? B: I am not sure where she has been going.

Complete the dialog by using correct noun clauses

A: The woman is David’s sister. Does she work in a hospital?
B: Yes, she is David’s sister, but I don’t know whether she work in a hospital or not.

A: It’s a pity that the thief stole your watch. When did you buy it?
B: I don’t quite remember when I bought it.

A: Peas require rich soil and a cool growing season to develop well.
B: Yes, I certainly agree that they develop well in that conditions.

A: David has a piano in his house. Do you know how much does it cost?
B: I’m sorry to say that I don’t know how much does it cost.

A: Mother is not at home. Is she going shopping at the supermarket?
B: I am not sure where she has been going.


A: Wanita itu adalah saudara perempuan David. Apakah dia bekerja di rumah sakit?
B: Ya, dia adalah saudara perempuan David, tetapi saya tidak tahu apakah dia bekerja di rumah sakit atau tidak. 

A: Sayang sekali pencuri itu mencuri arloji Anda. Kapan kamu membelinya?
B: Saya tidak ingat kapan saya membelinya. 

A: Kacang polong membutuhkan tanah yang subur dan musim tanam yang sejuk untuk berkembang dengan baik.
B: Ya, saya setuju bahwa mereka berkembang dengan baik dalam kondisi seperti itu.

J: David memiliki piano di rumahnya. Apakah Anda tahu berapa biayanya?
B: Saya menyesal mengatakan bahwa saya tidak tahu berapa biayanya. 

A: Ibu tidak di rumah. Apakah dia akan berbelanja di supermarket?
B: Saya tidak yakin ke mana dia pergi.

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