- Pada kesempatan kali ini Saiful mau bahas soal di buku bahasa Inggris kelas X (sepuluh) lagi nih. Tapi pembahasannya berfokus pada Task 2: Comprehension Questions, halaman 147 - 148. Soal ini masih berhubungan dengan teks Cut Nyak Dhien yang pernah kita bahas sebelumnya, kalau lupa silakan cek di sini
Task 2 :
Comprehension Questions
Answer the following questions by referring to the reading text about Cut Nyak Dhien!
Comprehension Questions
- When was Cut Nyak Dhien awarded the title of Indonesian National Hero?
- Tell your classmates about Cut Nyak Dhien’s parents!
- What education did she receive when she was young?
- Who was Teuku Cik Ibrahim Lamnga?
- When did the Aceh war start?
- What happened in Aceh in 1874?
- Why did Cut Nyak Dhien swear to destroy the Dutch?
- What was the effect of Cut Nyak Dhien’s marriage to Teuku Umar on the Aceh armies?
- Why did Teuku Umar surrender to the Dutch in 1893?
- How was Teuku Umar killed?
- According to the text, how should an Acehnese woman respond to the death of her family member in a war?
- What did Cut Nyak Dhien suffer from when she was old?
- What was done by Cut Gambang after Cut Nyak Dhien was captured?
- When Cut Nyak Dhien was brought to Banda Aceh, was her nearsightedness getting better?
- Why did the Dutch put her into exile in Sumedang?
- Had you lived close to Cut Nyak Dhien, what would you have done to support her efforts in fighting against the Dutch colonialization?
- Imagine that you had lived in Cut Nyak Dhien’s era. What would you have done? Why?
- Can you imagine what would have happened without the presence of people like Cut Nyak Dhien?
- Do you feel thankful to her and her people? How will you express your thanksfulness?
- Can you imagine what would have happened without the presence of people like Cut Nyak Dhien?
- Do you feel thankful to her and her people? How will you express your thanksfulness?
Latihan 2 :
Pertanyaan Tentang Pemahaman
Pertanyaan Tentang Pemahaman
Jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan merujuk pada teks bacaan tentang Cut Nyak Dhien!
- Kapan Cut Nyak Dhien dianugerahi gelar Pahlawan Nasional Indonesia?
- Beri tahu teman sekelas Anda tentang orang tua Cut Nyak Dhien!
- Pendidikan apa yang dia terima ketika dia masih muda?
- Siapakah Teuku Cik Ibrahim Lamnga?
- Kapan perang Aceh dimulai?
- Apa yang terjadi di Aceh pada tahun 1874?
- Mengapa Cut Nyak Dhien bersumpah untuk menghancurkan Belanda?
- Apa efek dari pernikahan Cut Nyak Dhien dengan Teuku Umar di pasukan Aceh?
- Mengapa Teuku Umar menyerah kepada Belanda pada tahun 1893?
- Bagaimana Teuku Umar terbunuh?
- Menurut teks tersebut, bagaimana seharusnya seorang wanita Aceh menanggapi kematian anggota keluarganya dalam perang?
- Apa yang dialami Cut Nyak Dhien ketika dia tua?
- Apa yang dilakukan oleh Cut Gambang setelah Cut Nyak Dhien ditangkap?
- Ketika Cut Nyak Dhien dibawa ke Banda Aceh, apakah rabun jauh menjadi lebih baik?
- Mengapa Belanda menempatkannya di pengasingan di Sumedang?
- Jika Anda tinggal dekat dengan Cut Nyak Dhien, apa yang akan Anda lakukan untuk mendukung upayanya dalam memerangi penjajahan Belanda?
- Bayangkan bahwa Anda pernah hidup di era Cut Nyak Dhien. Apa yang akan kamu lakukan? Mengapa?- Bisakah Anda bayangkan apa yang akan terjadi tanpa kehadiran orang-orang seperti Cut Nyak Dhien?
- Apakah Anda merasa berterima kasih padanya dan orang-orangnya? Bagaimana Anda akan mengungkapkan rasa terima kasih Anda?
Cara menjawab soal seperti ini sangatlah gampang, karena jawabannya sudah ada di dalam teks sebelumnya di halaman 145 - 146, jika kamu lupa atau tidak punya bukunya, silakan cek di sini.
Jadi sebetulnya latihan soal ini hanya ingin melihat kemampuan kamu dalam memahami bacaan dalam bahasa Inggris. Selagi kamu punya hafalan kosa kata yang banyak atau memiliki kamus terjemahan, maka soal seperti ini tidaklah rumit.
Task 2: Comprehension Questions
- Cut Nyak Dhien was awarded the title of Indonesian National Hero on May 2, 1964.
- Cut Nyak Dhien’s father, Teuku Nanta Setia, was a member of the ruling Ulèë Balang aristocratic class in VI mukim, and her mother was also from an aristocrat family.
- When she was young, she was educated in religion and household matters.
- Teuku Cek Ibrahim Lamnga was Cut Nyak Dhien’s first husband.
- Aceh war started on 26 March 1873.
- In 1874 the Sultan’s Palace was captured by the Dutch
- Cut Nyak Dhien swore to destroy Dutch because her husband was killed when fighting to reclaim VI mukim.
- Cut Nyak Dhien’s marriage to Teuku Umar boosted the morale of Aceh armies.
- Teuku Umar surrenderred to Dutch in 1893 to save his armies, to get weapons and ammunition, and to betray the Dutch later.
- Teuku Umar was killed in a surprised attack on him in Meulaboh after the Dutch sent a spy to Aceh.
- An Acehnese woman should respond to the death of her family member in a war by not crying and feeling sorry. She should let him go.
- Cut NyakDhien suffered from nearsightedness and arthritis as she got older.
- After Cut Nyak Dhien was captured, Cut Gambang escaped and continued the resistance of Achenese people to Dutch colonization.
- Yes, her myopia slowly healed when he was in Banda Aceh.
- The Dutch exiled her to Sumedang because they were afraid she would mobilize the resistance of Aceh people.
- Jawaban terserahS. Had I lived close to Cut Nyak Dhien, I would have …… (V3) ……………………
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