The Use of Media in Teaching Learning Process

Learning is a process to acquire knowledge. It needs hard work and sometimes will make students frustrated and get bored, so that they lose their attention to a lesson. In this case, the use of media in teaching- learning process is needed to attract students’ attention and to make teaching- learning activities more interesting and also effective. The use of media in teaching- learning process is not a new thing. Many teachers know that media will be helpful. Media give students something new, but not all of teachers know how to implement it correctly, so sometimes media disturb learning process instead of helping students in learning process.

Why we need media in teaching learning process?
Media are the means for transferring or delivering messages. Li-Ling Kuo states that a medium is called the educational medium when the medium transfers message for teaching (Li-Ling. 1996). He adds that the use of media is important and it is impossible to coordinate teaching with learning without using media (Li- Ling.1996). Media are flexible because they can be used for all level of students and in all subjects. Teaching media also can encourage students to take more responsibility for and control over their own learning, engage in joint planning of the syllabus, and take longer-term perspectives on their own learning (Masterman. 1999). Since media give many advantages, a teacher should consider a medium to be used in teaching- learning process. Edgar Dale theorized in his Cone of Experience model that learners retain more knowledge by what they “do” as opposed to what is “heard”, “read” or “observed” (Dale 1969).

People generally remember
According these statement, we can conclude that media is very useful to makes the teaching learning process easier, more interesting, and more efficient. It could raise the students’ interest of the lesson and media is important to lead students’ attention. Besides that, Edgar Dale’s research show that by using media student will be able to remember lesson deeper and longer than learning without media. So, media not only can increase student understanding, but also it won’t makes students frustrated and get bored. Then, media can enhance their thinking skill in order they improve themselves from know nothing to know something, from know something to understand the concept. In addition, the teachers will be easy to explain their material because media help the teacher to give clear information to the students. Finally, we can use media in every time and everywhere.

Li- Ling KUO, Christine. 1991. The Importance of Educational Media in Teaching. Buletin of Social Education, Volume 20, pp. 61-88.

Masterman, Len. 1999. 18 Principles of Media Education.

Dale, Edgar. Audio-Visual Methods in Teaching, 3rd ed., Holt, Rinehart & Winston, New York, 1969, p. 108

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