Masih membahas soal Chapter 2, namun pada Task 5 di halaman 25 buku Bahasa Inggris kelas X tingkat SMA/SMK/MA tentang Congratulating and Complimenting Others (Memberi Ucapan Selamat dan Pujian kepada Orang Lain)
Pada tugas kali ini, kita diminta untuk melengkapi tabel Ucapan Selamat dan kalimat untuk menjawab ucapan tersebut. Soal ini sangat mudah dikerjakan, karena kita hanya flashback ke soal dan materi yang sudah pernah kita kerjaan di halaman seelumnya, lalu tinggal salin.
O,ya kalau masih bingung, kita sudah dikasih contoh pada kolom pertama di dalam tabel di bawah ini.
== SOAL ==
Task 5:
Complete the following table with the expressions of congratulations and the responses you find in the preceding dialogs. The first row is done for you.
Congratulating Expressions | Responses |
Congratulations! You deserved it, Man. | Thank you very much. Your support means a lot. |
Congratulating Expressions | Responses |
Congratulations! You deserved it, Man. | Thank you very much. Your support means a lot. |
I am very happy for you. Now that you’re the director of the company, I believe the company will develop even faster. | Thank you. I cannot forget your collaboration with me, and I will still need your help. |
That’s wonderful. | Oh, thanks. |
Good for you. Good luck. | Thank you very much. |
Well done. | Thank you for saying so. |
That was great. You must be very proud of your achievement. | Thanks. I’m glad you think so. But I still have to learn a lot. |
Please accept my warmest congratulations. | It’s very kind of you to say so. Thank you. |
I must congratulate you on your success. | Thank you very much for saying so. |
Fantastic job! | Without you I am no one. |
Temukan pembahasan lainnya di sini:
Kelas 7
Kelas 8
Kelas 9
Kelas 10
Kelas 11
Kelas 12